This certificate, along with the general and airframe certificates, prepares the student to sit for the certification exams required by the federal aviation administration to become certified airframe and powerplant maintenance technicians. This certificate, along with the general and powerplant certificates, prepares the student to sit for the certification exams required by the federal aviation administration to become certified airframe and powerplant maintenance technicians. Aviation maintenance technician general, airframe, and. Faas808128a, aviation mechanic powerplant practical test standards with change 1, dated 42715. Faah808332a, aviation maintenance technician handbookpowerplant volume 2 pdf, 91. Chapter 9 powerplant troubleshooting efficient maintenance of any aircraft depends upon the operating and maintenance personnels familiarity with the aircraft and its associated parts. Obtain fuel and oil samples and check them for contamination. It is intended that this handbook provide the basic information on principles, fundamentals, and technical procedures in the subject matter areas relating to the airframe rating. Downloadable ebook pdfs avotek aviation maintenance. Avotek aviation maintenance training textbooks and. While military fighters require very high speeds, many civil airplanes do not. Aircraft powerplant maintenance 2nd edition 9781933189123. Read on to learn more about certification and education requirements for aircraft power maintenance pros, as well as how much you can earn in the field.
Durability durability is the measure of reliable engine life. Aircraft maintenance handbook for financiers provides an introductory level description of the principles, general practices and economic characteristics associated with aircraft maintenance. Aircraft powerplant maintenance technology as major active. The aviation maintenance technician handbook powerplant faah808332 is one of a series of three handbooks for persons preparing for certification as a powerplant mechanic. Clean, refuel, and change oil in line service aircraft. Aviation maintenance technician handbookpowerplant volume 2 2012 u. The aircraft powerplant maintenance training received at the ccsf aeronautics department is certified by the faa, cfr part 147. Individuals in this field must adhere to federal aviation administration regulations. The passing of this practical test is a required step toward obtaining the aviation mechanic certificate with a powerplant rating. Avotek aviation maintenance training textbooks and technology.
The subject of human factors is contained in the aviation maintenance technician. The handbook is aimed largely for financiers and students and, indeed, anyone interested in the underlyingconceptsof aircraft maintenance. Faah808332a, aviation maintenance technician handbook powerplant volume 1 pdf, 101. The advances in system management with the introduction of the full authority digital engine control, fadec, has been revolutionary. Learn and utilize location numbering systems lns for various aircraft, including zones and subzones for large aircraft. Now, in its second edition, aircraft powerplant maintenance has been updated and expanded. For specific instructions on the aircraft power plants in particular types and models of aircraft, refer to applicable maintenance manuals.
This program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to be a professional powerplant maintenance technician. X15 rocket plane pilots flight operating manual, periscope film com, 2006, transportation, 196. This handbook is available for download, in pdf format, from. Aircraft powerplant maintenance, second edition by avotek and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. The faa views the acs as the foundation of its transition to a more integrated and systematic approach to. You must have a thorough knowledge of the engine and know its normal operating conditions. Reciprocating and turbine engine systems as well as propeller systems are covered in depth in this textbook. The program emphasizes a combination of aircraft power plant maintenance theory and practical application.
Aviation maintenance technology programs advanced avionics programs general information aviation maintenance technicians amts, also known as aircraft mechanics, are responsible for keeping aircraft in airworthy condition. Thus was born the idea to mate a turbine engine to a traditional propeller. Chapter 3 maintenance concepts, programs and processes. Aircraft system maintenance student workbook, avotek information resources, jan 1, 2005, airplanes, 106 pages. Yet, civil aircraft designers wanted to benefit from the high power and low maintenance that a gas turbine engine offered. It is always wise to contact the local flight standard district office fsdo and speak with an aviation maintenance inspector asi to. Department of transportation federal aviation administration flight. The aviation maintenance handbookpowerplant faah808332 is one of a. Faa aviation maintenance technician handbook powerplant. Aircraft basic science, eighth edition, is a valuable resource for students of aviation technology that provides updated information needed to prepare for an faa airframe and powerplant maintenance certification. We offer programs in aviation, maintenance, welding, and technician fields, whether it be for aircraft maintenance. Introduction to aircraft maintenance student workbook.
Aircraft maintenance powerplant trident technical college. It is intended that this handbook provide the basic information on principles, fundamentals, and technical procedures in the subject matter areas relating to the. Learn the latest technologies needed to pass the faa airframe and powerplant maintenance certification. Pdf 80823a, aviation maintenance technician general. Nov 08, 2007 the aircraft powerplant is a complex and fascinating area of aircraft maintenance. This written documentation may be in the form of letters, dd214 forms, andor training certificates. Aviation maintenance technician handbookairframe volume 1. The mission of femp is to facilitate the federal governments implementation of sound, cost. Pdf aviation maintenance technician handbook airframe. Fully revised to cover the latest industry advances, aircraft powerplants, eighth edition, prepares you for certification as an faa powerplant technician in accordance with the federal aviation regulations far. Pdf aviation maintenance technician handbook power.
We seek industry feedback about our curriculum to identify the technologies and specific skills that industry leaders need. Locating information in aircraft maintenance manuals. This aviation mechanic powerplant practical test standards book has been published by the federal aviation administration faa to establish the standards for the aviation mechanic powerplant practical test. The aviation maintenance technicianpower plant program prepares students for employment in the field of aviation maintenance. Service and maintain aircraft and related apparatus by performing activities such as flushing crankcases, cleaning screens, and lubricating moving parts. The most comprehensive, current guide to aircraft powerplants. Dlevel maintenance is performed at or by frc sites to ensure continued flying integrity of airframes and flight systems during subsequent operational service periods. Air intake oil inlet turbine wheel exhaust gas discharge wastegate hot exhaust gasses dil. Plus easytounderstand solutions written by experts for thousands of other textbooks. Providing the study material needed for those seeking a powerplant rating, this is avoteks edited and updated reprint of the 2018 faah808332a, volumes 1 and 2. Visit here to download pdf ebook 1560279540aviationmaintenancetechnicianhandbookpowerplant. Whether you represent an aviation maintenance school, or youre an instructor or aviation maintenance student, you can trust avotek to deliver stateoftheart aviation maintenance training technology.
Certificate program with the growing need for aircraft maintenance technicians, there has never been a better time to start your career with a certificate in powerplant maintenance from delaware tech. Engine principles and design are discussed along with instrumentation, fuels, inspections and maintenance. This book provides an clear examples on each and every topics covered in the contents of the book to. Aircraft powerplant maintenance professionals keep airplanes and other airborne machines in safe and efficient operating condition. Aviation maintenance technology programs advanced avionics. Introduction to aircraft maintenance student workbook, 2004. Department of energys federal energy management program femp. Aircraft powerplants eighth edition download ebook pdf. Army provides advanced individual training ait as an aircraft power plant repairer. General powerplant maintenance certificate delaware.
Satisfactory completion of a complete series of courses in aircraft powerplant maintenance technology andor airframe maintenance technology will qualify you to take the federal aviation administration faa certification exam. They perform regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance, as required by the federal aviation administration faa. Avotekonline and aea pair up to save you money on aet test prep. Aircraft powerplant technicians are responsible for the maintenance and repair of jet and propeller engines. Powerplant covers the final section of the faas required curriculum, detailing the technical maintenance of turbine and reciprocating engines, theory and construction of aircraft engines, aircraft powerplants, and powerplant auxiliary systems. You complete nine weeks of basic soldier training and then move into 18 weeks of handson and inclass instruction.
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